Friday, January 30, 2009

Look Out..,Camille Drives!

OK, maybe it's not that bad.
I tell you, 16 years ago, when I had a newborn, infant daughter, this time in our lives seemed so distant. That it came so quickly surprises and saddens me. It seems like in a blink of an eye, she went from being that beautiful little itty, bitty baby to being this beautiful sweet sixteen holding a set of keys.  {heaving a sigh}
A lot of milestones have come and gone. This one, so far, is just the scariest. Scarier than potty training, scarier than the first day of Kindergarten, Scarier than her first car date (not by much, though)! Driving may not be as scary as those to come but we aren't going to think of those things just yet. 
Camille is and has always been the daughter we dreamed of all along. From the moment we knew she even existed (thank you, EPT) we were thrilled. She wanted to debut a bit too early but we coaxed her into staying inside for a while longer (thank you, Tributaline). 
While I was in the hospital, trying so desperately to prevent her from being born, I declared my love for her to my mother on the phone. I remember so vividly my mother saying "you don't know anything, yet". I kept thinking "she doesn't know. My mother does not know how deeply I love this baby inside me!" When Camille Robinson Fishback did arrive and they put that most beautiful bundle in my arms, I realized for the first time what my mother meant. This is more love than I ever thought possible. Ever! She immediately wrapped herself around our little fingers. 
Don and I took this special little gift from God home and set her on the bed and stared at her. We really had no idea what we were doing but anything seemed just fine with her. She slept through the night from day one. Much to my great anxiety, I awoke at 4am and suddenly thought "OH NO! MY BABY!" But she was snuggled in the bassinet so happy to be here. Of course, we woke her up to feed her. Others put a stop to that right away! "Don't awaken a sleeping baby!" ok. She slept all night, delighted us all day!
Camille was the easiest baby in the world to teach potty usage. Priss that she was, hated having anything soiled around her. As soon as she realized that, in fact, she didn't have to have that dirty thing velcroed to her, she began putting "stuff" where it belongs, in the princess porcelain throne. 
After getting together with the EIGHT OTHER NEW PARENTS from our neighborhood and hearing their trials and tribs about child rearing, Don and I would lay in bed with our little sweetie and lament "who can't do this? It is so easy!" and we would quietly think "we are the best parents in the world!" (only 5.5 years later would we find out how arrogant we were~hehehe!)
Camille's first True Love was Hobie (sorry Taylor). Hobie was so much older and wiser than she was and from the moment she set her eyes on him, it was love! He made her laugh more often and louder than anything else could. As soon as she could articulate her deep devotion to him, she announced that she was "going to marry Hobie". It didn't matter that Hobie was a cat. Her love for Hobie Cat was her first for anything with 4 paws (or hooves), but certainly not the last. From Molly, to Rowdy, Sara, Lily, Dixie Cup, Trader, Smokey, Feisty and Daisy, she loves our pets. She loves animals. 
Camille's compassion and devotion is the core of her being. Most children are taught empathy, but she was born with more than anyone I have ever met. This does not mean she won't ignore these strong empathetic urges from time to time, but it is there always.
I know that Camille is responsible, thoughtful and conscientious. She is a good driver and she is watchful for others, too. So why am I so afraid when I send her into the world? Why does my heart catch in my throat when she walks out the door with keys in her hand? If anyone can answer this, I am happy to listen. 
I am so in love with this beautiful person that I am lucky enough to call my daughter. I pray that she doesn't drive faster than her guardian Angel can fly.

Monday, January 12, 2009

So long, Rowdy, The Warrior

One who is engaged in or experienced in battle.
One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict

Rowdy was so, well, Rowdy! He is the only pet we ever bought. Money well spent, we all agree. He came home as a tiny little fur ball. What an absolute cutie. It was hard to find the right name for him and we all tried. But, one night, after puffing his incredibly furry back up and doing a couple of sideways high steps (vertical jumps really) he fiercely attacked Don's foot! We knew he was a warrior and defender. and he was Rowdy!

He did not like any other cats in his territory. When we brought Lily (a stray) in the house, he swatted her on the head and let her know it was his place. Lily did not like that and never forgave him for it. He was the alpha and like it or not, that is the way it is.
When we brought Smokey home as a puppy, Rowdy swatted Smokey on the head. Smokey got the message loud and clear and only engaged with Rowdy if Rowdy would allow it. They played a game of tag every now and then. It was a fun game to watch and they both seemed to enjoy it.
Rowdy was always in on the action. If he heard any kind of skirmish going on, he would run as fast as possible to the excitement to be in on the action. This action sometimes included non-pet animals that also lived in his territory. This battle warrior usually came out on top, but not with everything in tact. He had broken shoulders, gashes, and even lost ear parts. He was miserable inside the house when he was on the mend. He was on the mend a few times, too.

He stood Sentry. He watched over the place. Even when UPS delivered, Rowdy greeted the truck and circled the driver until he was confident that the driver and truck meant no harm to his territory.

After a night of duty, he would come in, eat and go to the nearest bed. If the bed was occupied, he would patiently wait by the side until he had it to himself. He was not selfish. He shared the bed.

Don and I noticed last Wednesday that he wasn't back from overnight duty. We began looking for him on Thursday. We searched our property for his white fur and found nothing. We expanded our search for a 1 mile radius. Still nothing. We finally had to tell Camille and Olivia and of course, they were so upset. Camille set out to find him at once. She and Don took Smokey and began looking over the property again. Smokey led them right to our warrior. Rowdy obviously died doing his job, and in battle.

What a sad day it is to awaken knowing that he will not be coming in from his overnight duty of keeping vigil on his territory. He is at rest and we know his job was well done. So long great warrior. We are so going to miss you.